Trenchless Sewer Line Repair - Day & Night Air Conditioning, Furnace, & Plumbing

One of the biggest problems with sewer line repair services is that you need to get access to the lines. That can often mean a lot of digging, which is a real problem when the affected lines are underneath your building, landscaping, or any other important part of your property. The excavation is an eyesore, and it can even be destructive in many cases. That’s exactly why trenchless sewer line repair is such a great service.

How Trenchless Pipe Repair Works

Many people are pleasantly surprised to discover that a trenchless pipe repair is an option, but it actually makes a lot of sense once you understand how it works. Essentially, flexible pipe lining is inserted through the old pipe. Once everything is in place, it gets expanded, essentially replacing the old, damaged pipe with a new, durable one in the exact same spot.


To determine if trenchless sewer line repair is an option, you may need an inspection first. A sewer line camera can be fed through the pipe, giving your plumber a look at what’s going on underneath the ground or building. What they see will help them make a decision about the best way to proceed with the pipe repair services.

Pipe Repair or Pipe Replacement

In most cases, trenchless pipe repair is possible. The new tube is flexible at the start, which allows it to be threaded through bends, connection points, and sections with different diameters. Unfortunately, though, there may be some instances where excavation is unavoidable, and there will have to be some digging involved.

Residential and Emergency Sewer Services

Here at ​​Day & Night Air Conditioning, Heating & Plumbing, we are conveniently located in Phoenix, which allows us to serve Maricopa County and the surrounding areas. We deliver high-quality plumbing services including trenchless pipe replacement, and we’re often able to do so even on short notice. We’re open 24/7 because we know how stressful it can be when you have plumbing problems. Our team will be there for you whenever you need us.

Additional Benefits

When you compare trenchless sewer line repair to other methods that involve excavation, you will find that there are three primary benefits:

  1. The biggest benefit of trenchless sewer line repair is that it’s much less intrusive. The advantages of minimizing the digging are evident in the following ways as well.
  2. Since trenchless pipe repair is simply replacing the old pipe with new pipe, there is less disturbance to the environment. You won’t risk disturbing the habitat surrounding your property (or your neighbors). That makes the process a lot more environmentally friendly.
  3. Since there isn’t as much to dig up and then replace, you’re saving a lot of time on labor costs and then repairs. Cost is always a factor, and this helps. 
  4. You’re also saving time for the exact same reason. You’ll get your plumbing back that much sooner.

Most homeowners, landlords, and property owners don’t think about sewer line replacement until they need it for their homes. An experienced plumbing contractor should be able to answer all of your questions about sewer line repair services, but it’s also important to be able to get information even before you go into that conversation. Below, you will find answers to the most common questions we get about trenchless sewer repair.

How do you know if trenchless sewer lines are an option for your home?

Unless you are an experienced plumbing contractor, you might not be able to determine this for yourself. Therefore, the best way to decide whether trenchless sewer line repair is a viable option is to get bids done for both trenched and trenchless sewer line repair. Make sure the bids account for permitting costs, repairs, and the replacement of all landscaping that gets damaged in the process. Our plumbing experts here at ​​Day & Night Air Conditioning, Heating & Plumbing can help you weigh your options.

What Is Trenchless Sewer Repair?

If you’re still wondering exactly what trenchless sewer line replacement is, the simplest answer is that it’s a minimally invasive technique to repair pipes. It’s been around since the 1940s and got even more popular in the 1970s when it became possible to get sewer line repair services without all of the excavation.

Should You Schedule Trenchless Sewer Line Repair?

If your property is having problems with underground piping, especially the pipes underneath your home, apartment building, business, or landscaping, then trenchless sewer line repair might be a great option for you. This method can help with burst pipes, blocked pipes, improperly installed pipes, and other types of issues. Before you ultimately decide which type of sewer line repair services to schedule, contact us for a bid and have one of our expert plumbers walk you through all of your options.

Contact ​​Day & Night Air Conditioning, Heating & Plumbing for Sewer Repair, Maintenance, and Replacement Services

Here at Day & Night Air Conditioning, Heating, and Plumbing, we’re proud to employ many of the most experienced plumbing experts in Maricopa County. Our skilled and knowledgeable staff makes us a trusted full-service plumbing company here in Phoenix. We’re able to provide fast, effective repairs for most problems, so don’t hesitate to set your appointment. Schedule online at your convenience.

Featured Image: Slave SPB/Shutterstock