Water Heater Repair & Maintenance
Water Heater Repair

Water Heater Repair

Ensure your water heater operates at peak efficiency and is reliable for years to come with our professional repair services. Day & Night specializes in repairing traditional and tankless water heaters, ensuring seamless integration into your home’s plumbing system. Trustworthy tankless water heater repair services are available in various areas, including Phoenix, Tempe, Scottsdale, Goodyear, and Chandler! 

Our award-winning water heater repair services include:

Don’t wait until you run out of hot water for showers, dishes, cleaning, and other household tasks. Contact us today to take a proactive approach to water heater repairs so you never have to sacrifice comfort or convenience again.

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Our Top 7 Water Heater Maintenance Tips 

Inspect Regularly

Keep an eye out for signs of leaks or excessive wear and tear. Regular inspections are the perfect opportunity to catch small issues before they become big problems. This simple step helps you keep your water heater running smoothly for years to come.

Flush the System

Flushing your water heater removes sediment buildup, improving efficiency and prolonging the lifespan of your unit. This essential maintenance task can prevent clogs and save you from spending up to thousands of dollars on a replacement.

Lower the Temperature

Lowering the temperature of your water heater helps reduce energy consumption, which saves you money on your monthly utility bills. It also helps prevent scalding and extends the life of your unit.

Test the Temperature Pressure Relief Valve

Testing the temperature pressure relief valve ensures proper function to prevent excessive pressure buildup and explosions. This quick check prevents premature wear and tear while protecting you and your family from potential hazards.

Replace the Anode Rod

The anode rod prevents corrosion in the water heater tank. Regularly replacing it can extend the life of your unit and prevent costly leaks or malfunctions.

Replace the Air Intake Filter

A clean air intake filter provides proper airflow to your water heater, maximizing efficiency and preventing overheating. Regular replacement keeps your unit running smoothly and efficiently for as long as possible.

Schedule a Professional Inspection

Schedule a professional inspection annually to catch any issues early and ensure your water heater is operating at its best. Professional inspections can identify potential problems before they escalate, saving you time and money in the long run.

Experience Premier Maintenance Service

Elevate your water heater’s performance with Day & Night’s hot water heater repair services. From regular inspections and flushing to testing valves and replacing crucial components, our team ensures your unit operates efficiently and reliably for years to come.

With years of professional expertise and a commitment to top quality, we’re able to safeguard your investment and provide the peace of mind you deserve. Trust Day & Night for all your water heater maintenance needs.

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