Central Air Conditioner Financing - Easy & Affordable

Orangeburg Pipes are made of wood pulp and coated in tar. They were made during the shortage of iron and other hard materials in World War II and continued to be manufactured as a low-cost alternative. If your home was built before the 1980s, there’s a chance it has Orangeburg piping.

Problems With Orangeburg Pipes

–  Because of its material make-up, Orangeburg Pipe is brittle, easily breakable, and easily flattened

–  Often destroyed by tree or plant roots

–  Can cause back-ups of sewer lines

–  Can also cause slow draining, foul sewer odors, and frequent toilet back-ups inside your home

Many areas throughout The Valley have Orangeburg sewer pipes. If you are experiencing plumbing issues, your home may have Orangeburg pipes!

We’re offering a FREE camera inspection valued at $302.75 to determine if you have Orangeburg piping.